Our research Overview
A Commitment to Excellence
Three departments are part of the institute: earthquake engineering, ecological hazards, green technology, and a laboratory for monitoring buildings and the environment.
Its reputation as a center of excellence has established the institute as a global leader in its field, and it continues to push the boundaries of scientific knowledge and discovery.

Earthquake engineering
Earthquakes are one of the greatest natural hazards affecting humanity. Without warning, they occur unexpectedly. There is a huge loss of human life and material damage caused by them.
Modern Earthquake Engineering is a
relatively new discipline and innovative
research is generally considered to have begun in the 1960s.
In the department, earthquake-safety problems of buildings and other civil structures receive a great deal of attention.

Ecological hazards
In order to adapt to climate change, one must understand both the changes brought about by global warming as well as the dangers it poses. As a consequence of global warming, it exclusively examines climate change issues. Environmental hazards associated with climate change and pollution are explored by the institute. There are a number of natural hazards and they can be classified into three categories:(1) Geological Hazards (avalanches, earthquakes, coastal erosion, volcanic eruption, landslide); (2) Meteorological Hazards (snowstorms, drought, heatwave, storms (ice, cyclonic, hail), tornado); (3)Hydrological hazards (Floods), as well as fires and diseases are also natural hazards that can be caused by human factors.

Green technology
It will primarily focus on research that will reduce CO2 drastically, i.e. develop an economy and society based on renewable and clean energy. Green technologies, i.e. eco-technology, are key to reducing these gases. A primary goal of the center is to reduce the use of fossil fuels and to introduce electricity production through solar rays, wind forces, and hydroelectricity. Research has also been conducted by the institute in the area of energy efficiency in buildings.
Exploration of the current state of application of renewable sources for electricity production. In order to design a building that emits near Zero Carbon Emissions, the department will develop an energy analysis. Research at the institute has also focused on energy efficiency, which indirectly affects global warming.

Laboratory for monitoring buildings and the environment
Develops non-destructive techniques for determining the strength characteristics of concrete and the exact number, distance and diameter of the built-in reinforcement.
Develops sensors and in situ techniques for determining the dynamic characteristics of structures.
Develops and performs measurements of the energy efficiency of buildings with the help of thermal cameras. Uses methods to
measure pollutants.
Kaleidoscope of activities
Research and engineering projects, conference presentations
The team working on the relevant project is always composed of experienced and young scientists and engineers.